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About Us

Nikki Pearl- MA Integrative Health
Wellness Professional, Yoga Instructor

Nikki has worked in the health and wellness space for 30+ years, pioneering integrative health concepts and programs in the workplace. She received her Masters in Integral Health Studies in 2003 from the California Institute of Integral Studies after a 10-year career in natural foods marketing. Nikki is a CYTA certified yoga instructor and has taught workplace yoga for 25 years.


Nikki works with the San Francisco Giants to tailor and deliver programs that support employee health and well-being. She is also a lead educator for Wellness Tools for the Trade, where she works to build a culture of health in the construction trades. During the pandemic, Nikki launched the food security non-profit, Dine11 San Francisco and in 2023, co-founded Menopausitive Workshop, a health education  program that empowers midlife women with education, resources, tools and community. 


An avid dancer and a budding gardener, Nikki is passionate about food, nutrition and animals. She has two young-adult kids and lives in San Francisco with her husband and her dog, Juniper.


Learn more about Nikki's work at

Susannah Wallenstrom- MPH, RDN
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Susannah is a registered dietitian nutritionist with 23 years of experience working with families in the Bay Area. She has a BA from the University of Virginia and received her Masters in Public Health and Nutrition from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


Susannah runs a private practice, Marin Nutrition Consulting, where she works with clients of all ages to establish healthy eating habits and build a lifelong positive relationship with food. She is also the family nutritionist for two pediatric clinics, Golden Gate Pediatrics and Tamalpais Pediatrics.


A frequent speaker at Bay Area schools and organizations, Susannah is passionate about sports nutrition and fueling for performance. In 2023, she co-founded Menopausitive Workshop, a health education program that empowers midlife women with education, resources, tools and community.    


Susannah loves being on the trails of Marin, traveling whenever she can, and eating delicious food. She is the mom of 3 college age girls and lives in San Anselmo with her husband and 2 golden retrievers.


Learn more about Susannah's private practice at


Our Story

We are health educators who became passionate about menopause education when we started comparing our own symptoms, fears, stories, stigma, lack of information and lack of support. We realized there is a knowledge gap where women’s midlife health exists, and that gap leaves us women alone, uneducated, scared and vulnerable. We want to change that story!

Our Work

We lead workshops that bring midlife women together in community to learn about what’s happening in the menopause transition – to our bodies, our brains, our relationships, our work, our sleep, our LIVES. We provide practical guidance based on the most current research and menopause care champions. We share health practices, tools and resources, all within an age-positive,, supportive community of women. There are better ways to do this transition and we want to help every woman find the best way for her and to remind her that she is not alone. Together we can change the way women experience menopause in our society!

"It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent,"
-Madeleine Albright
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